If there’s something here you decide you just must have, we’ve provided links to the product websites. If you click on the link and make a purchase, Beasley Media Group may earn a commission. Have an idea for a fun theme for a gift idea list you’d like us to create? Drop us a line at shopping@bbgi.com.
It’s that time of the year again when everyone is looking to get things for their loved ones. Some people are super easy to shop for, others not so much. But if you have a Star Wars fan on your list, we’ve got you covered. Here are 22 super awesome Star Wats gift ideas that will make any fan truly happy this holiday season.
Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker Prayer Candles
ShareNothing says warmth and positive energy better than a nice prayer candle. Even if this beautiful prayer candle set features a father and son who sorta want to kill one another.
Do Not Eat That
ShareThe Child, aka “Baby Yoda,” put Star Wars in the cultural conversation more than the last five films did… and helped to make The Mandalorian “must see TV” (no doubt helping Disney+ enjoy a spectacular launch). And he was fascinated with lots of weird stuff, and occasionally ate weird stuff. He divided fans when he ate unfertilized eggs, which represented the last of the Frog Lady’s ancestral line. The shirt is cute even if someone doesn’t get the context. But for those who do, it’s a great conversation starter.
Vintage Obi-Wan Kenobi Six-Inch Black Series Action Figure
ShareListen…that’s simply a lot of words to say that this figure ROCKS. Any Star Wars fan would be thrilled to have it!
Darth Vadar Pen Holder
ShareOkay, this has to be the coolest thing we’ve ever seen. This 3D printed Darth Vadar pen holder is the perfect desk addition and Star Wars gift for every Star Wars fan.
There Are Not Many Jedi Left
ShareClearly, The Child and the Mandalorian himself were the two biggest characters in the first live-action Star Wars series. But fans were thrilled when Ahsoka Tano, a character that was first introduced in the 2008 animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, was brought to life by Rosario Dawson in season two of The Mandalorian. “There are not many Jedi left” is a quote from Season 2, Episode 5 “The Jedi,” where Ahsoka informs the Mandalorian of the low number of Jedi left in the galaxy.
Personalized Aurebesh Star Wars Keychain
ShareFor all the diehard Star Wars fans out there, you’ve definitely seen this writing before. The Aurebesh writing is the writing system used in many of the Star Wars films and tv shows. Now you get a keychain with your name or your friend’s name written in Aurebesh.
This Is The Way
ShareIt may not be as ubiquitous as “May The Force Be With You” — yet — “This is the way” is the way that Mandalorians explain their strict code. It’s kind of a catch-all for anyone who doesn’t understand their strict code.
The Famous Chewbacca Mask
ShareAfter that mom wore this mask in a video that went hugely viral…this item became an instant classic for fans of the Saga.
Don’t Make Me Use The Force
ShareOK, this one isn’t a quote from the films, but the shirt is a nice tribute to the late, great Carrie Fisher, aka General Leia. Yes, we know that a lot of fans still think of her as “Princess Leia,” but please, respect her rank. It’s General.
Death Star Clock
ShareUmmmm…. this is so cool! This LED clock features many of your favorite Star Wars characters as well as the iconic Death Star.
C-3PO Wall Light
ShareNow, the greatest protocol droid in the galaxy can be there for you…day and night…as he becomes a permanent part of your collection.
The Classic Logo
ShareNew characters, new designs, and new references are always cool. But sometimes the classics just work. And whether you saw the first Star Wars film, 1977’s Star Wars (now referred to as “A New Hope”), in the theater when it first opened, or at home on demand, you’ll remember the thrill of seeing that logo appear on the screen 20 seconds into the film, right after “A long time ago, in a galaxy far away…”).
Stormtrooper Decanter
ShareDo you like cool alcohol containers? This Stormtrooper decanter is incredible. This rendition of the famous helmet is modeled on the original 1976 creation by Andrew Ainsworth making it ideal for fans of the original trilogy and one of the hottest bounties around.
Pew Pew Pew Tee
ShareIf you’re not hearing the sounds of the blasters when you read this are you really a Star Wars fan?
Get It Now From Famous In Real LifeStar Wars Golf Balls
ShareHave an avid golfer that is also a huge Star Wars fan? These are the perfect gift! This set comes with 12 golf balls with four different designs featuring BB-8, R2D2, The Death Star, and BB-9E.
Tatoonie National Park Sweatshirt
ShareIf you’re not familiar with this trend, let me enlighten you. Lots of folks are taking iconic locations from pop culture and making “national park” style merch. This Tatoonie one is super cute. It’s available in sizes up to 5XL and in multiple colors.
Star Wars Whiskey Glasses
ShareWhiskey glasses and set like these make incredible gifts. Top it off with a franchise that is so well loved, you’ve got an award-winning gift right there.
Star Wars A New Hope Lamp
ShareThis item is great for all you original trilogy lovers. This Star Wars lamp has the updated logo for the first Star Wars film. Measurements is (7″ *13″ *2″ inch).
Sith Lord Queen Inspired Tee
ShareI don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but it did. This tee is perfect for music lovers and Star Wars fans alike. Especially if they love the Sith Lords.
Move Along Door Mat
ShareYou can’t tell me this isn’t a super neat Star Wars gift idea? This doormat is the perfect find for Star Wars finds. Trust me when I say that they’ll put this in their entryway. It usually opens the door (pun absolutely intended) to discussing Star Wars so of course, we love it.
There are so many cool Star Wars gift ideas out there, and we hope we’ve helped you find a few awesome items to gift to a friend or loved one this holiday season.